Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finding Inspiration

Not even worth saying what the weather is like today. The only thing worth repeating on this topic is that this is just ridiculous. It's June. C'mon, Mother Nature, throw us a bone here.

Today, I got around to watching the movie 3:10 to Yuma. It's a pretty entertaining Western re-make starring Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. Honestly, I didn't love the movie, but about 45 minutes into the movie, one of the characters said something that stood out for me and caused me to start thinking. One of the less important characters, Glen Hollander, says: "Sometimes a man has to be big enough to see how small he is." This is the perfect example of how sometimes in life it is possible to receive inspiration from strange places.

I believe that since we are all different people, we interpret everything we encounter in life differently. This quote may mean something totally different for two different people. I have always found this truth to be fascinating. For me, this quote stresses the importance of certain values and moral ideals that we should all strive to uphold. The first value I feel this quote promotes is humility. At certain times in our lives it becomes easy to get caught up in the events occuring in our own personal bubble and when this happens we tend to forget our true place in the world we live in. Think about how much more of a pleasant place our world would be if instead of putting our own goals and agendas in the forefront of our minds, we took the time to take a step back and begin to think about what would be best for the greater good. Individually, we all may just be tiny pieces of the puzzle, but together, can't you just imagine the world we could be living in?

The second layer of meaning that this quote possesses for me is actually found in challenging the objective statement that is being made and thinking about the other side of the argument. Yes, we are all relatively small, and it is healthy to be able to admit this fact, but when you take the time to think about how much each of us are actually capable of contributing to society in so many different ways, we as individuals and the potential impact of our actions do not seem quite so small. A personal anecdote that is relative to this thought is that this summer I have taken up running as a way of exercising and continuing to engage in my love for athletic activities. Another item on my "bucket list" for this summer is to run a road race on behalf of a charitable organization. I haven't done much research into which race I would like to run or for what charity I will be running it for, but I think this is both a reasonable and rewarding goal that I can strive for.

That is the one thing that always amazed me about the student population at Colby. For the most part, the kids at Colby really cared about the communities that they lived in and realized the value of giving back to those communities. Whether it be by participating in the Colby Cares About Kids (CCAK) program, the Colby Volunteer Center, the Colby Environmental Coalition or the annual Relay for Life sponsored by the American Cancer Society, kids found a way to actively participate in their community and contribute in a positive manner to the greater good. Their work not only directly helped countless individuals, but also indirectly inspired countless others to get involved.

On a lighter note, I have 2 great videos to show you guys today. The first, I knew I had to put up on my blog the second I opened my eyes this morning. I can't quite remember what my dream was about last night, but I know it was about basketball and this play was the first conscious thought that was processed by my mind when I woke up. The video shows Allen Iverson executing his infamous crossover dribble move during his rookie year against the best player of all time, Michael Jordan. In order to avoid the consequences that will surely come from this blasphemous video, I will be sure to post my favorite Michael Jordan moment on the blog tomorrow. But in the mean time, enjoy!:

The second video I wanted to post today is the trailer for the new movie that I am dying to see, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Besides the simple fact that Megan Fox is starring in this movie, (here she is if you are not familiar with her. Her looks are simply unfair):

I loved the first Transformers movie and by the looks of this trailer, the second installment will surely not disappoint. I could not embed the trailer in the blog, but here is the link to the video on Youtube. Make sure you enjoy it in High Quality and Fullscreen in order to get the full effect! Enjoy:


Until next time...

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